The UKs' Best Handmade Soap Bars For Dry Skin

In our previous Blog post we spoke about why it's important to Try Coconut Oil Free Soap Bars For Dry Skin, but I don't just want you to take my word.

I, like you are cautious about claims made, especially by many skincare & soap companies who all say they have the best soap for dry skin including conditions like Eczema & Psoriasis. (Lots certainly greenwash & exaggerate!)

So, rather than me explaining about the ingredients I use, I thought I would share this recent review by Pauline. Pauline sums up the concerns I hear the most, but then also the surprise she has after having used my natural British soap bars for some time.

Customer Review Of The Best Handmade Soap Bars For Dry Skin

All of my natural soap bars are great for dry skin, but if you're super sensitive I would suggest starting with any fragrance free soap bars as sometimes the natural Allergens found inside Essential Oils can trigger any sensitivities you may have.

Thanks for reading. From your natural British Soap Maker Simon.

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